My Cat Hanging Around.
Here's a story I'm sure alot of you can relate too and had happen to your cat. I had this cat named "Nichi" a tabi cat. She always had this habit of climbing all over and up everything she can. I know most cats has the same habit, but Nichi had her moments when I was not home.
I remember this one crazy moment she had, it was really funny. Well, like always I go to work in the morning and come home around 5 ~ 6pm after work. This night Ihad to go to the Pet shop to pick-up some snacks for the babies. (I had 4 cats at that time.) When I reached home, I noticed something strange in the home. None of my cats came running to the door when I got home and it was very quite too. They usually do most of the time and you can hear them in the back room.
Well, I walked into the kitchen to put the things I bought in the closet. When I hear a strange cat cry from the living room. I went to go see what was going on, so I turned on the light so I can see. There was Nichi quarters way up on the curtains hanging from one of her paws nails, while her other legs just dangling around in the air. It was really funny, but I can imagine what she is going through to get down. I got her nail unstuck and put her down, the first thing she was cling to my leg and purr for her forgiveness I guess.
After that moment, she has not climb the curtains at all. But that didnt stop her from climbing other things, where I think she knows that she can't get stuck again. I hope you like that story, here are some photos that I found on the net. These are no my photos, but I like to share them with you.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 | 10 Comments
Can Dogs really Talk?
Here's one for everyone to think about. People really have great imaginations on this. I have asked my self about this, "Can dogs really talk?" My answer to this question was no brainer "NO". Now this is my own opinion here, some people may say differently. So don't flame me for what I say here. I think its just people adding words to what noise the dog does. Then having everyone believe that the dog is really saying what the owner said it is. Well, here are some videos that you may or may not have seen already. You can judge for your self on this one, leave your opinions if you would. We would love to hear them. Oh one more thing please don't get us wrong we really love dogs, really we do.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 | 4 Comments
More Cute Kitty Photos.
Obaketsu ko~neko chan.
I look a little lost, don't I.....
This looks like my Hubby watching Hanshin Tigers Baseball.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 | 2 Comments
Superstitious About Black Cats?
My second story. It's about black cats, which some people think it's just a superstitious myth. Well, I was one of them that didn't believe in black cats crossing your path and bring you bad luck. Here's a story that happen a couple years ago. I was walking home one night from work, when a cute black cats crossed my path. Not thinking at all about the superstitious myth at that time until I got home. Oh no, I said to my self that I may have bad luck cause of that black cat. Naw it's just a myth I kept saying to my self, so that night nothing happen. But the next morning was a totally different story. On my way to work, my brand new hand bag I bought maybe 2 weeks ago. The strap broke and everything in the bag fell out in the train. That was just the beginning of a bad day for me. My computer I use always at work decided to not work for me. I mean the screen was blank and it wouldn't reboot. After a long day I got home made my self dinner. Made somethign simple too and I burnt that. Yes, I burnt it and I was just laugh at this time. Think about that cat the other night, a myth you say or just one of those days. Well, from that day on I try to avoid having black cats cross me ever again.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the stories, videos, and picture I have posted in this blog. I will be add different blogs about different stories and add videos to it. Subscribe to my blogs or write a comment and thank you for stopping by my blog.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 | 1 Comments
Do cats really catch rats?
This story happen 10 - 11 years ago. A friend of mines, always want a cat but never bought one. Until she realized that she had rats running around in the house. So she decided it was time to buy a cat. Some how she had in mind that all cats catches mice and rats. Little did she know, most of them don't. (Well, that's from my experiences). She went to her local Pet Shop and bought her self a Persian Cat. Now look a Persian cat, these cats are expensive here in Japan. She thought if she going to buy a cat, she should buy a cat that she will like. Also forgetting why she was buying the cat in the first place. So she went ahead and bough the cat and all the goodies that they need.
It took a couple of hours for the cat to get used to her house. Then night fell she had heard some noise in the kitchen, thinking it could be the rat running around. So she took her cat to the kitchen, while having the door way blocked by a high board so the rat would not get out. Her cat saw the rat running towards her and she ran out of the kitchen. Jumping over the board that was blocking the door way. My friend was alittle confused. So she got her cat and tried again, but her cat did the same thing. Then she finally realized that not all cats catch rats or mice. Well, couple days had gone by. She finally caught the rat with a rat trap. Now today she owns about 5 cats that I can remember.
Saturday, August 09, 2008 | 2 Comments
Surfing Contest for Dogs
Checkout this video of Surfing Dog Contest. We thought this was something good to share with everyone. Hope you all Enjoy this video.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | 1 Comments
Dog Cafes in Japan
Welcome to our Funny Dog Blog, hope that you also checked out our Funny Cats 1 and Funny Cats 2 Blogs.
Well, here's our first story and here it goes. I'm not really sure on other countries, but this is based in Japan. Japan has been having a never ending "Boom" on dog's having their own Cafes and Restaurants here. It's amazing on how far they will go to care for their dogs. I know the saying "Dogs are mans best friend", but maybe this maybe going a little to far. We know we used to be a dog owner many years ago, but I don't think I would go that far for my dogs. People in Japan has gone to the limits, they have special dishes made for them. The prices are same for us when we eat at a restaurant. Range from 350yen and Up(almost $4.00 plus) now this is for a dog. Well, if you got the money and got nothing to spend it on guess the dog wins here. I thought having dogs and other animal wearing clothes was enough for me, but I guess I was wrong again.Now heres how I see it and what I have looked into, this is just my opinion so don't bash me for this. Most of the people that take their dogs to these kind of places are either not married, not in a relationship, have no children, or just lonely. So they have pets like dogs and cats to replace this loneliness and spoil them. Posted some photos here so you can make your judgment, feel free to comment if you like. Well, more stories to come so stay tune.
Here's a Menu for dogs.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | 0 Comments
10 Reasons Why Your Cat Loves You
There are plenty of reasons why your cat loves you. Ten of the main reasons are listed below. Enjoy!
1. You provide food - Cats love food and they love you for giving them that food. If it wasn't for you, they'd go hungry, and of course, if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't get those tasty scraps of meat after a meal. Those crunchy little biscuits aren't half bad either.
2. You clean the litter tray - You always keep their bathroom area very clean. After all, cats are very clean animals, and they're very appreciative of the work you do in cleaning out their litter tray, as well as the area around it. Poor things, they can't help spraying litter all over the floor!
3. You are a great companion - You're always there to play with them, whether it be with a piece of string or with a toy mouse which looks so amazingly real yet it magically comes back to life every time its head has just been chewed on for five minutes by your cat!
4. You're comfortable to sit (and sleep) on - On those cold dark evenings, you're always there to be sat on and nuzzled into. You're so warm compared to some of the places they could sleep, and the gap between your knees makes a great paw warmer!
5. You provide shelter - They have a whole house to themselves thanks to you. While it's raining outside they can cheerfully look out the window at all the other poor animals that have to put up with the rain. There's always a corner in your house where they can curl up and go to sleep as well. Luxury!
6. You're bigger than any dog - You're (almost) always there to fend off any nasty big dogs that could eat them whole and they appreciate this greatly. Especially at the vets when a huge hairy dog is eyeing them up, they know that you're behind them so they'll be safe.
7. You always know where to scratch - Whether it's behind the ears, under the chin, or on their stomach, cats just love the way you always scratch, stroke, and pet them. Its one of the things they love most, and they love you for it, and when you get that special brush out, it's just the best thing in the world!
8. You always talk back - Whenever they meow, you always give a consoling reply either in native cat language by meowing back, or by saying something in a high pitched voice that only babies would understand!
9. You provide things to claw - Whether it is furniture, carpet, or a delicate set of curtains, there's always something for your cat to get their claws into. What would they do without all the clawing material you provide...? It's possible that they might consider using the specially designed scratch post that you bought for them.
10. You love them - The greatest reason of all, which encompasses all those mentioned above. They love you because you love them.
Well, those were ten of the main reasons your cat loves you. I'm sure you related to most, if not all, of them. Rest assured, your cat does love you, because they couldn't live without you, just as you couldn't live without them!
Larry Chamberlain is a lifelong cat lover and webmaster of http://www.best-cat-art.com. Cat art posters, art prints, cat calendars and cat collectibles. Great cat gifts for yoursellf or your cat loving friends Cat Lover Gift.
By: Larry Chamberlain
Sunday, July 27, 2008 | 6 Comments
Funny Cats
Welcome to my Funny Cats Blog. Here i have add some really funny videos and photos of cats doing funny actions. Cats are amazing animals for a small creature. It's funny how people can catch there felines o video and pictures at the right moment. I my self use to have 10 cats back in the days. Wished at that time I owned a camera to capture their special moments. Living in Japan maybe 95% of the apartments now days do not allow animals. ( What a shame) The most I like about cats, they're very quiet, take care of them self with out any effort of a person, friendly most of the the time, and sometimes evil at times. I think they are great to have around when you are bored.
I have a couple of great memories of my cats that I would like to share. I remember every time that I would go to bed, I had about 2 or 3 cats sleeping with me. One under each arm pit and one under my thighs. It was so cute watching them sleep like little babies. Here's another I remember and I know alot people can relate to this. I'm sure people who own cats have had this happen to them at least once. Having your cat climb up a tree and they can never get down for them selfs. I had my dad get a ladder and climb up the tree to get the cat down. It was funny at the time, but dad was not smiling at all. Hmm let me think here, ah I got one incident remember well. Coming home from a long days work, one of my cats was outside waiting for me. Little that I know, he had a present in his mouth for me. Yep, he had a bird in his mouth and looking at me with his sad eyes like he didn't do any thing wrong.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my funny cats blog. Hope that you also got a kick out of the videos and pictures posted. More to come in the up coming weeks and look for Funny Cats 2 blog coming short after this weekend.
Just a small note: Sorry if my English is a little bad, I'm working on it. Thanks and have a great day.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 | 1 Comments