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Do cats really catch rats?
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Cats Catching Rats
This story happen 10 - 11 years ago. A friend of mines, always want a cat but never bought one. Until she realized that she had rats running around in the house. So she decided it was time to buy a cat. Some how she had in mind that all cats catches mice and rats. Little did she know, most of them don't. (Well, that's from my experiences). She went to her local Pet Shop and bought her self a Persian Cat. Now look a Persian cat, these cats are expensive here in Japan. She thought if she going to buy a cat, she should buy a cat that she will like. Also forgetting why she was buying the cat in the first place. So she went ahead and bough the cat and all the goodies that they need.
It took a couple of hours for the cat to get used to her house. Then night fell she had heard some noise in the kitchen, thinking it could be the rat running around. So she took her cat to the kitchen, while having the door way blocked by a high board so the rat would not get out. Her cat saw the rat running towards her and she ran out of the kitchen. Jumping over the board that was blocking the door way. My friend was alittle confused. So she got her cat and tried again, but her cat did the same thing. Then she finally realized that not all cats catch rats or mice. Well, couple days had gone by. She finally caught the rat with a rat trap. Now today she owns about 5 cats that I can remember.
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February 14, 2010 at 7:33 PM
My cat caught a rat today and deposited the body in the middle of my bed!!! UGGG
April 10, 2010 at 3:57 AM
I heard if a cat leaves a body on or under your bed it's meant as a gift for you
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